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Ireland Oil Company of Vernon, CT. Gas and oil burner specialists Get New Graphics on Their Vehicles

Recently, we were contacted by Dave Logan, Ireland Oil Company, Vernon, CT. He called us because he had just purchased a new van, Ford Transit 250, and was interested in putting some vehicle lettering and graphics on it. In particular, his company logo, key services he provides and contact information. Ireland Oil is in the business of selling efficient gas and oil burners, as well as, oil delivery. Part of their marketing strategy is to leverage their fleet vehicles by having vinyl lettering and graphics on them.

In the image to the left, you can see a picture of the new van prior to the lettering and graphics being applied. In this picture you see the finished lettering and graphics. You can see we used both orange and white cut vinyl for good contrast against the dark blue color of the van. This contrast makes it easy to read the key information. The graphical images were made with print vinyl, laminated and cut and then applied to the vehicle. In this picture, you see we used the same materials even on the windows as we used on the rest of the vehicle. We decided not to use perforated vinyl given the driver would not have visibility out the back windows due to an internal panel. As you can see, the results turned out great.

Ireland Oil Company in Vernon, Connecticut, is a great local company committed to meeting the needs of their customer and neighbors. Quality workmanship, respect for their customers and their homes, have been their hallmarks since the beginning. If you live in the Vernon area, and need a local oil technician, consider giving them a call. Or feel free to stop by their showroom, The Boiler Room, 171 Union Street, Rockville, CT. If you are a business owner and would like more information about putting vehicle lettering and/or graphics on your car, truck, van, box truck or trailer give us a call. We can help! We offer free consultations so call or email now! (860) 581-8574 or

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